Scout Sunday is a special day when Boy and Girl Scouts participate in Sunday worship at Potomac Church. On February 11, 2024, the scout's color guard presented the flag, a girl sout led the pledge of allegiance, and Matthew Xu served as liturgist. Scoutmaster Ken Rotert from Troop 773B, Scoutmaster Marcella Szymanski from Troop 773G, and Cubmaster Michael Fenton from Pak 773 gave remarks thanking the church for its support. After service, the scouts hosted the coffee hour. This year the scouts have partnered with Potomac Church in the youth room cleanup, blowing leaves from the columbarium area of the church and cleaning up the back area of the cemetery.

The collaboration between the Boy and Girl Scouts in the community service projects not only demonstrates their commitment to helping others but also fosters a sense of unity and teamwork among the young members. The scout’s participation in the worship program and the service provided during the year exemplify their dedication to serving the community and upholding scouting values. Such initiatives contribute to the betterment of the church and provide the scouts with valuable opportunities to learn about responsibility, leadership, and civic engagement. We look forward to our continued partnership.